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Requesting Instagram Posts via Comments
Requesting Instagram Posts via Comments
Written by Getclother App
Updated over a week ago

Step-by-Step Guide and Best Practices for Requesting Posts on Instagram Through Comments

With Shoppable Insta Feed and UGC, you can request content rights by leaving a comment under the original Instagram post.

When requesting content through comments, ask the creator to respond with a specific hashtag to approve your request.

Setting Up Comment Request Templates

To streamline your requests, you can use templates containing all the necessary details. It’s recommended to create at least one template for each language you plan to use.

To set up a message template for comments:

  1. Go to Collect Content > Tagged (UGC)

  2. Click on the comment area

  3. Write your comment

  4. Be carreful to enter the following details:

    • Approve Hashtag: The hashtag creators will use to approve the request

    • Website Terms: A link to your Terms of Service

    • Exemple Message: The default message for this template :
      " Nice post! We'd like to showcase this media on our website. Answer #OK if so. Terms: Thanks! "

  5. Click Save

Sending a Request Through the Comments Section

To request rights for Instagram content via comments:

  1. Click on "copy to clipboard" button near your comment template

  2. Click on "Request"

  3. Go to Instagram UGC content (it will automatically open if the option is selected)

  4. Paste the message in the comment section and send it

  5. Wait for the answer

  6. Return to the Shoppable Instagram Feed & UGC app

  7. Put on "Approuve" when the rights are accepted

Automated consent management

If your plan allows it, the consent request and response analysis can be done completely automatically. Simply:

  1. Click on "Request"

  2. We will automatically send the comment and monitor the response for you.

  3. Once approved, all you need to do is tag the products on the accepted posts.

Post Status After Sending a Request

After sending a request, posts can have one of two statuses:

  • Requested: The request has been sent, awaiting the creator’s response.

  • Approuved: The creator has accepted the request by replying with the hashtag.

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